feeder v2.1 🚢 💨


Recently, I found some time improve on some more details for feeder -- a small app I use to send myself RSS/Atom feed updates via email (cf. previous entries about it). The changes aren't major but simplify feeder usage and make the content of update emails more usable to me. And they were fun to implement:

  • Subscribing via feeder -subscribe works reliably for me, but I get tired of adding the -config flag every time. Feeder now looks for a config file at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/feeder/config.yml by default, so you might be able to drop the use of the -config flag at well.

  • Several feeds contain a mix of relative and absolute URLs. Relative URLs in feed updates can be irritating as some images would not load or opening a link meant fiddling with the URL after trying to open it. Feeder now can attempt to resolve these relative URLs before constructing the email. To enable it you have to set the option replace-relative-urls: true in your config file.

  • I was excited to learn that you can receive YouTube channel updates via an Atom feed! Subscribing to the channel also works with feeder, yay! But the content of the updates was just the title of the video because the Atom feed uses Media RSS elements to structure the more detailed information. I added limited support for unmarshaling these MRSS elements so that the feed updates now contain the video description and a thumbnail:

Youtube Feed Screenshot

There were some more minor improvements as well, if you're interested checkout the release. Happy reading!