Grimming South East Ridge


2021-07-03 Grimming Summit Cross We had a couple of weeks of warm weather here in Styria, which meant that going up Grimming without ice climbing gear should be possible by now. I got a chance to try and the south east ridge is still as rewarding! While I started in windy Untergrimming, the top was calm and the 360 degrees of surrounding mountains was stunning:

2021-07-03 360 degrees view on the summit

While most of the snow had melted, there's an area (Schneegrube) on the southern face that seems to maintain snow all year long:

2021-07-03 Schneegrube

Some of the trail is still below 2-3 meters of firn and you get to find a path between a wall of snow and a wall of rock:

2021-07-03 Tunnel

Afterwards comes the most rewarding part in my opinion, where you get to scramble up the beautiful south east ridge:

2021-07-03 Südost-Grat

With an occasional glimpse towards the summit cross:

2021-07-03 View towards the summit cross

Or you turn right and enjoy the view towards Ennstal and Gesäuse:

2021-07-03 View Gesäuse

On the top the view west is dominated by Dachstein:

2021-07-03 Dachstein